Tracked Properties 481
(Previous Month: 466)
Median Listing Decrease -4.09%
(Previous Month: -4.27%)
Median Property Price $854,250
Suburb with most decreases Coffs Harbour

Property Increases & Decreases

The current number of properties that are either incresing or decreasing.

305 (63.4%) No Change 31 (6.4%) Increase

120 (24.9%) Down to -10% 23 (4.8%) -10% to -20%

2 (0.4%) Below -20%

% Property Increases/Decreases Trend

The total percentange of property that has increased or decreased over the last 12 months.

Increase Down to -10% -10% to -20% Below -20%

Property Listing Totals Trend

The total number of listings by property type over the last 12 months.

Houses Apartments Other

Suburb Performance

The current number of listing decreases by suburb.
# Suburb # Decreases
1 Coffs Harbour 53
2 Woolgoolga 19
3 Toormina 9
4 Sapphire Beach 8
5 Boambee 6
6 Korora 6
7 Sawtell 6