1A & 1B/35 Trafalgar Street, Woolgoolga NSW 2456

Bedrooms  4   Bathrooms  2   Car Spaces  2  

Days on Market
114 Days

Endless opportunities in stunning Woolgoolga

Grab hold of this unique opportunity in the heart of Woolgoolga. This property features two units two single lock up garages and access to two beaches within approx 500 metres from your door! Currently with no adjoining access this multilevel property is designed with an upstairs and downstairs unit. In the upstairs unit enjoy a newly renovated kitchen with vinyl flooring electric stovetop oven and dishwasher. Equipped with two bedrooms open plan living area USB power points northeast facing deck and internal laundry this is still only half the property! The downstairs unit...


Listed: $1,299,000
Now: $1,199,000


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