26 Tallebudgera Drive, Palm Beach QLD 4221

Bedrooms  3   Bathrooms  3   Car Spaces  2  

Days on Market
87 Days

SABBIA Timeless Elegance Meets Subtle Mediterranean Flair

Introducing "SABBIA" - a boutique collection of four Jayson Pate-designed villas that fuse timeless elegance with subtle Mediterranean flair. A showcase of flawless style moments from Tallebudgera Creek entertaining is elevated to an art form here. Gourmet kitchens feature 40mm stone island benches and state-of-the-art Smeg appliances while a private rooftop terrace promises good times ahead. Radiating European allure beneath a pergola roofline built-in Artusi BBQ and pool theres nowhere else youd rather be....

New Developments,Apartment

Listed: $2,030,000
Now: $2,000,000


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